Welcome home we missed you
Welcome home we missed you

welcome home we missed you welcome home we missed you

I gave her canned food that I keep on hand for special reasons and she ate and ate. She is so emaciated that I can grasp her on either side of her spine and feel my fingers touch. Last night I went out on my front porch to feed the numerous other ferals and, low and behold, here came mama cat! She came racing up to me and loved all over me and was gulping food from the container before I could even put in in the bowl. Laugh if you want, but I pray for these feral kitties and yesterday I prayed for mama cat and asked God to continue to watch over her even though I wasn’t even sure she was alive. She has been missing for about 8 or so weeks and I have worried about what demise she may have met living the life of a feral cat. Last Fall she actually allowed me to pet her and she would twirl around my legs, but no one else could get near her. She has been at my door for all of this time every night, except for occasional brief absences, to be fed. I captured her and her kittens and had them fixed and vaccinated.

welcome home we missed you

When I bought this house 2 1/2 years ago she was here with her kittens. So, here is the post followed by my afterthoughts: The next day as I was doing a massage, (typically a good thinking or prayer time for me), I thought about how this kitty cat’s story sort of relates to believers who wander away from God. I recently made a post on Facebook about Mama cat, a feral cat, who went missing.

Welcome home we missed you