The project will unfold as described in sound file #1, 'Studying the Secret Doctrine' to correlate with H.P.Bâs recommended approach to the work. Please refer to the printed facsimile as the only authentic source. Also, most readers will invariably misread unfamiliar terms and even ordinary words, especially in a complex work such as this one and although it is possible to re-edit a sound file, many a mistake will slip through. when driving a car, or for the hard of reading, and if you dislike even more the automated text-to-voice services not yet developed far enough to meet the standards of certain written works, than you do my erratic European accent. At best, it can serve to whet the appetite for the original book or perhaps as a compliment when reading is not suitable, e.g. the facsimile text as authorized by the writer and affiliated publishers. Please note, however, that no audio book of any production can substitute the real thing, viz. On the other hand, I have lived with The Secret Doctrine for decades, which at any rate makes for some familiarity with the topics contained therein. I am in no way a professional reader or actor, and my shortcomings as a reader will be evident. Currently, I re-edit and remaster some of the sound files to make them an easier listen, in some instances for example by digitally reducing reading speed.

This is the complete double volume of The Secret Doctrine as a community text audiobook.